One of the many New Year resolutions I have made is to blog more. The last year was famine for me in terms of blogging activity and it is only today that I realize what a pity this is! In the whole of last year, whenever a nice idea or thought has come to my mind, it has stayed exactly there - my mind. All these nice ideas and thoughts were such that they deserved to be shared in a blog post or something. Various problems contributed to this situation.
The new job that I have taken up has severely restricted my access to Internet for personal purposes. The only time I have got to surf the Internet for myself during weekdays is post 11pm. Post 11pm, I am never awake. And on weekends, I cannot bring myself to switch on the PC, let alone put up a blog post.
Also, lack of a good phone is a major factor. I wish I could blog from my phone so that I could blog on the go. It would be so cool to share a cool idea or cool song or a movie review with everyone whenever and wherever I want. It could be in a crowded bus, at work, during lunch, wherever.
However, no excuses anymore. Maybe I'll buy a new phone - maybe not. Maybe things will change at work - maybe not. No matter what, I must blog more and blog to my heart's content. Good luck to me and to all who are reading this!